We're in Prince Rupert for two nights and it has turned out to be a relaxing and enjoyable stay. I've been impressed with the town and its people. They're friendly and take obvious pride in their public places. My primary goal aside from filling tanks and meeting up with the De Wulfs, was to fix that galley faucet.
It took several hikes to the hardware store (did I say I wanted exercise?), but it's finally done. At one point Frederic and I must have had every employee in the hardware store in a turmoil opening boxes and hunting for tools and fittings.
The first one we tried hit the cabinet above it. The second had the wrong base and seemed to be missing pieces, but the third time was the charm. Even with the right faucet, the hole in the counter was too narrow and had to be enlarged. Frederic and I scratched our heads over that for a while before finally buying a large wood bit and plugging the old hole with a wooden plug to allow us to drill out the new hole.
In the end, with the solution and the right parts in hand, the installation went quickly. And for all that effort we get a nicer faucet and new valves under the sink so the water can be turned off. We can finally relax and do something else in town beside traipsing back and forth to the hardware store. Frederic is celebrating a job well done by rattling the floorboards. At least I hope that's not someone taking a chainsaw to the aft cabin.