August 26, 2016

Day 105 - Photos

I haven't included photos with the last couple of blog post uploads, owing to shoddy throughput.  We ended up in Port Ludlow for our final night; nice for showers and wifi, but not so much for fun and frolic to blog about.  Instead, I'll take advantage of the decent wifi and upload a few more photos.

Let's start with a batch that Lavanya took (except the first two)



A guy can't defend himself from the Paparazi while rowing...

Quiet time for Kay

Kay's world famous oat pancakes.  Awesome!

Port Ludlow

And a few by our hero:

Quijote on James Bay

Kay stretching her legs on James Island

Day 104 - Ticker Tape Parade

It's the night before our final night and we're holding on to every morsel of time. We're in what is likely to be the last anchorage of the trip. The last of seventy-five nights or so of anchoring. We've been out for 102 days, but 13 of those were spent in Petersburg during the break. That leaves 14 nights spent in marinas and 75 nights at anchor. In those seventy-five nights, we didn't drag anchor or hit anything the whole time - not a bad track record. It's not one we can learn much from, but I can live with that.

Tonight's anchorage is a small nook between James and Decatur Islands. There's a small dock on shore where boats have been coming and going. The whole island is a park with composting toilets, camp grounds and a few trails for clambering about. There's a particularly nice unmaintained trail that runs around the south end of the island overlooking the bluffs with nice views into Rosario Strait. It makes a spectacular sunset hike on a glassy day like today. We watched a small sailboat below the bluffs trying in vain to coerce their sails into filling with any kind of breath of air.

Planning for our final night is still not settled. Winter is coming and the Strait of Juan de Fuca isn't going to stay settled for much longer. We'll make our break in the morning and figure out where to stay along the way, either through Deception Pass or out around.

Wherever we stay, I anticipate a mid-day arrival into Shilshole the following day. A few folks have expressed interest in doing the locks with us, so it might turn out to be a party. If any crew reading this wants to join us, please contact Tina. Bring a PFD. With luck the slip will be empty when we get to the other side. …still waiting confirmation on that.

Day 103 - Making Magic

We're in Parks Bay tonight, but there are no parks - just signs that say "Absolutely no Trespassing" along the shore. The nice thing about snug little coves that don't allow you to go to shore is that they aren't as crowded as places that do. The down side is that you can't go ashore. Or if you do, you feel like a trespasser. You stretch your legs wondering if you're going to be led away in handcuffs.

Park Bay is allegedly a research conservancy of some kind - the kind that doesn't tolerate human impact. The Bay is just three miles from Friday Harbor, where we cleared customs, filled our water tanks, and picked up Lava 2.0. Lavanya did the leg from Wrangell to Juneau with us in June, so it's great to have her (and her cooking) back with us for the last three days.

She's in the galley, as I write, whipping up something awesome. I think we have barbecued fish and a kale salad on the menu tonight. I always feel like I'm eating a month's worth of nutrition when Lavanya gets to cooking. Not that we've had any nutritional slouches on this trip, but Lavanya always hits the deck running with bags of fresh vegetables in hand and goes go work making magic.