May 23, 2016

Day 7 - Provisioning; Kay

One week since departing Shilshole and we have found no reason to stop and reprovision.  Not fuel, not water, not food.  The thought was to stop in Nanaimo for fresh produce.  However, we would have purchased so little it wasn't worth the passage through Dodd Narrows, nor leaving the peace of outer Gabrioloa Island in Silva Bay.  Home-made dinners by Rod and Bob are lasting well in coolers.  With the addition of breads, butter, canned green beans, fresh carrots, bell peppers, spices, all is delicious.  Bob's been rustling up great breakfasts of omelets, french toasts, or cream of wheat.  It's not expected we'll need fresh supplies of produce or dairy until Campbell River.  Blueberries have been divine as they keep well and are a treat in cream of wheat or oatmeal.  Note: Cream of Wheat is NOT what I expected.  It is tasty, has a bit of 'tooth' or graininess to it.  Easy & healthy.
Milk is made from dried milk into Rod's special milk vessel.  The MV (Milk Vessel)  is hoisted overboard for overnight cooling in the sea, ready for breakfasts. Lunches have not yet been wanted nor needed except perhaps a pb & j here and there. Gorp (nuts/dried fruit/M&M's) is a treat during the days as are Tina's special chocolate Ande's cookies which Rod generously shares with the crew!

It seems we have dried food supplies to last the entire trip!  Duffel bags of baking goods, breakfast and lunch items, mixed nuts and chocolate found hidden storage in the huge stowage area in the V-Berth cabin. Fairly easy to access too!

Trash is of a concern.  Too much of it!  Stiff, plastic food containers and food packaging in general take up space.  We'll be transferring newly bought items into ziplocs, or reusable, stackable tupperware, leaving the excess packaging in port before departure.  The storage of trash on board, and the cost of disposing in port (which we have yet to discover) will be reduced.

Learning as we go, finding our way, challenges and success!  And never hungry!

(written by Kay Gowan)

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