July 27, 2016

Day 74 - Southeast Alaskan Balderdashery; Rod

Wet, wet, wet. Windy and wet. Wind in the wrong direction, soggy, and wet. As much as it grieves me to report less than ideal conditions, today's primary silver lining was in the safe and successful voyage from one anchorage to the next. Alas, that is hardly anything to gush about.

Sure - the anchorage is beautiful. It's scenic, remote and we have it to ourselves. During the day the forest covered hills were shrouded in ancient, primeval looking misty tendrils of low clouds and fog. As we slid along the coast of Prince of Wales Island, purse seiners and fishing trawlers occasionally emerged out of the mist like ghosts from the past telling stories of hardscrabble lives at sea.

But as breathtaking as today was, it was a beauty we have come to expect. We're like wizened veterans of life in a remote cottage perched above the sea, hardly noticing the grandeur that abounds.

OK, I'll admit, that was a suit I was trying on more for the curiosity of fit than for the style. And I'll confess it feels a little tight under the arms. I guess we'll stay a little longer and see where tomorrow's fashion takes us.

If all goes according to plan, tomorrow we'll head in to Ketchikan for hot showers, a nice restaurant, blog uploads and full tanks.  In the words of Timbuck Three: "The future's so bright we gotta wear shades." And foulies.

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