August 3, 2016

Day 75 - Winds Made Good; Rod

Finally a day of wind and weather suitable for sailing. We left Ketchikan this morning at a reasonable hour and headed up Behm Canal for the first day of our circumnavigation of Revillagigedo Island. The clouds over Ketchikan were so low that the constant stream of float planes entering and exiting the city were practically skimming over the water to maintain (sort of) visual flight rules.

As we proceeded further from town, the clouds began to lift until we found ourselves winding through the small islands of Clover Passage under partly cloudy skies and occasional sun breaks. From there the day only got better.

The thing about winds that turn to follow and build to something worthy of sailing in is that they sneak up on you unnoticed. The winds hide themselves in the boat speed. It had been so long since we've seen good sailing weather that I almost didn't recognize the sunshine, let alone the following wind. Finally Tina noticed it and wondered out loud if we should be sailing. Damn straight! We shook out the sails and cut the engine. What fun! What a relief to be making way without the engine. The sailing and sunshine lasted most of the afternoon - definitely a good day.

Tofu Curry by Sue

Chicken Tacos by Tom

Photos above by Rod; Photos below by Tina

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